2024 - 2025: Budapest Art Mentor fine arts mentorship program for artists, Budapest, Hungary.
2007 - 2013: Hungarian University of Fine Arts, Faculty of painting, Budapest, Hungary.
2011: University of Art and Design, Faculty of painting, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
2007: Vilnius College of Higher Education, fashion design and tailoring, Vilnius, Lithuania.
2004 - 2007: University of Art and Design, Faculty of fashion design, imprimé, and art pedagogy, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
2024 - 2025: Budapest Art Mentor fine arts mentorship program for artists, Budapest, Hungary.
2012: Diákhitel Központ Zrt.: Képző Contest III.d Place, Budapest, Hungary.
2012: Communitas Scholarship, Tg-Mures, Romania.
2011: Amadeusz Kisalkotói Scholarship, Budapest, Hungary.
2011: Ari Kupsus Gallery, Awards for Young Painters:
Ari S. Kupsus Salon Concert Society Award I., Budapest, Hungary.
Ari S. Kupsus Salon Concert Society Award II., Budapest, Hungary.
Cafe MOOD Award I, Budapest, Hungary.
Andreas Reith's Award, Budapest, Hungary.
Balazs Arato Art Management Award, Budapest, Hungary.
2011: Erasmus Scholarship to the University of Art and Design, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, from the Hungarian University of Fine Arts, Budapest, Hungary.
2011: György Fehér Contest, the painting chosen to be given to, Rába Roland, Hungarian actor and director, who received the György Fehér Award in 2011, Budapest, Hungary.
2010: Raul Wallemberg Award, Raul Wallemberg Institute, Budapest, Hungary.
2010: Székely Bertalan Award, Hungarian University of Fine Arts, Budapest, Hungary.
2009: Contest by the Hungarian Semmelweis University, portrait commission of Dr. Ödön Krompecher, for the painting to be displayed in the Dr. Ödön Krompecher permanent exhibit in the Pathology and Experimental Cancer Research Institute, Budapest, Hungary.
2008: Pannon Color Award, Hungarian University of Fine Arts, Budapest, Hungary.
2007: Erasmus Scholarship to Vilnius College of Higher Education, Vilnius, Lithuania, from the University of Art and Design, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
2005: Apáczai Csere János Scholarship, Cluj-Napoca, Románia.
2004: National Art Olympiad, I. Place, fashion design and drawing, Alba Iulia, Romania.
2003: National Art Olympiad, II. Place, fashion design and drawing, Constanta, Romania.
2002: National Art Olympiad, I. Place, fashion design and drawing, Miercurea Ciuc, Romania.
2020: Ari Kupsus Gallery, Budapest, Hungary.
2017: Ari Kupsus Gallery, Budapest, Hungary.
2015: Amadé-Bajzáth-Peppenheim castle, Iszkaszentgyörgy, organized by the Ari Kupsus Gallery, Hungary.
2014: Ari Kupsus Gallery, Budapest, Hungary.
2014: Csikász Gallery in the House of Arts, Veszprém, Hungary.
2014: KERT Gallery of the Szolnok Art Colony: Ancient Recollection art show with fine arts painter Ákos Szente-Szabó, Szolnok, Hungary.
2013: Amadé-Bajzáth-Peppenheim castle, Iszkaszentgyörgy, organized by the Ari Kupsus Gallery, Hungary.
2013: Ari Kupsus Gallery, Budapest, Hungary.
2012: Ari Kupsus Art Gallery, Budapest, Hungary.
2013: Budapest Art Market, with the Ari Kupsus Gallery, Budapest, Hungary.
2012: Budapest Art Market, with the Ari Kupsus Gallery, Budapest, Hungary.
2024: Barabás Miklós Céh group show by curators, sculptors István Makkai and Gábor Hunor Veress, Tg-Mures, Romania.
2023: Bolyai House: Beyond Images, curator: Márton Krisztina, Tg-Mures, Romania.
2020: AG GALLERY, group show Yokai Neighbors, Brooklyn, New York, USA.
2019: Galleria U, the group show of artist Gábor Nagy and his former students, Helsinki, Finland.
2018: the paintings exhibited in the space of the Sino-European Foundation of Chinese Culture and Education, Budapest, Hungary, have been settled on permanent display in the exhibition space of the Xu Beihong Art Committee, Beijing, China.
2016: group show Oltre (Beyond the Foreground), organised by curator: Sabino Maria Frassá, held in the Museo Civico Garda, Ivrea, Italy.
2015: the Gabor Bethlen portrait commissioned by the Hungarian National Museum is transferred on loan to be exhibited in the Gábor Bethlen Memorial House's permanent exhibit, Marosillye, Romania.
2013: group show "Le Maison Bleau", Craon, France.
2011: Helios Gallery, group show for the artists of the Bronze Sculpture Symposium, Timisoara, Romania.
2011: group show organized to commemorate the composer, conductor and virtuoso pianist Franz Liszt, held in G Kafe, Tg-Mures, Romania.
2011: the commissioned portrait of Kelemen Mikes ceremonially gifted to the Tekirdag Local Government's Art Collection, Tekirdag, Turkey.
2024: Light, the yearly group show of the Fine Arts Society of Szolnok, Szolnok.
2018: group show in the exhibition space of the Sino-European Foundation of Chinese Culture and Education, Budapest.
2015: Italian Cultural Institute of Budapest: Oltre (Beyond the Foreground) group show of selected international artists, organised by curator: Sabino Maria Frassá, Budapest.
2015: 'Here and Now', National Salon Exhibition, Kunsthalle (Institution of the Hungarian Academy of Arts), Budapest.
2015: Reflex, the yearly group show of the Fine Arts Society of Szolnok, Szolnok.
2014: The River, the yearly group show of the Fine Arts Society of Szolnok, Szolnok.
2014: Miskolc Gallery, Herman Otto Museum autumn exhibition, Miskolc.
2014: Budapest Art Market related programs: taking part with a group show held in the Ari Kupsus Gallery, Budapest.
2014: 61th Autumn Exhibition of Hódmezővásárhely, Hódmezővásárhely.
2013: Gabor Bethlen commissioned portrait painting, displayed in the Code: Bethlen 1613 museum exhibition, Hungarian National Museum, Budapest.
2013: Graduation Art Exhibition of the Studests of the Hungarian University of Fine Arts, Budapest.
2013: Black and White, the group show of the Godot Gallery, with formidable artists such as: László Fehér, Alexander Tinei, Imre Bukta and many more, Budapest.
2013: Four Words, group show with fine arts painters: Szabolcs Szolnoki, Imre Szakszon and Attila Szabó in the IX-XI Gallery (Now Bartok 1 Gallery), Budapest.
2012: Light Purple, the group show of the students of painter János Kósa from the Hungarian University of Fine Arts, Fészek Art Club, Budapest.
2012: the Diákhitel Központ's Képző Contest group art show and award ceremony, A38 Hajó, Budapest.
2012: Amadeus Scholarship Exhibition in the Hungarian University of Fine Arts, Budapest.
2012: Jenő Barcsay Scholarship group show in the Hungarian University of Fine Arts, Budapest.
2011: Amadeusz Scholarship Exhibition in the University of Fine Arts, Budapest, Hungary
2011: Ari Kupsus Gallery exhibition and awards show, for the 4th year students of the University of Fine Arts, Budapest.
2011: Mikes Kelemen memorial exhibition in the Library of ELTE University, Budapest.
2011: György Fehér Award in the Hungarian National Theatre, and the exhibition held in parallel, Budapest.
2011: the group show of selected works from the art collection of the Csongrad Art Colony, Szentes.
2012: Jenő Barcsay Scholarship group show in the Hungarian University of Fine Arts, Budapest.
2010: Chopin group show in parallel with the Chopin concerts of renowned pianist Gergely Bogányi, MÜPA, Budapest.
2010: Raul Wallenberg Award group show, Wallenberg Institute, Budapest.
2010: Ars Pannonica, Biennale of Szombathely, Szombathely.
2010: Amadeusz Scholarship group show, Hungarian University of Fine Arts, Budapest.
2010: Reinhold and Carmen Würth Foundation group show in the Applied Arts Institute, Sopron.
2010: Semmelweis University, II Institute of Pathology, the 140 year Anniversary Memorial Exhibition of Dr. Ödön Krompecher, commissioned portrait inauguration, Budapest.
2009: Amadeusz Scholarship group show, Hungarian University of Fine Arts, Budapest.
2009: Jenő Barcsay Scholarship group show in the Hungarian University of Fine Arts, Budapest.
2008: Art Colony Gallery group show, organized by Lena-Roselli Gallery, with artists: Imre Bukta, Csaba Kiss Róka, Tamás Szikora, Zsigmond Károlyi, and others, Szentendre.
2025: Munchies Art Club Magazine
2024: Budapest Art Mentor fine arts mentorship program
2020: AG GALLERY group show, Brooklyn, NY
2017: Solo show in the Ari Kupsus Gallery
2017: Élet és Irodalom publication, 'In My Garden' article by Szilvia Fekete
2015: ‘Oltre’ in the Italian Institute of Budapest and Museo Civico Garda, Ivrea: 1. 2. 3. 4.
2014: Népszabadság newspaper, Rivalda section, interview by art journalist Dénes P. Szabó: ‘Great Lord with Yellow Bird’ - website no longer available.
2014: House of Arts solo show, Veszprém: 1. 2.
2013: Black & White, Godot Gallery
2010: Dr. Ödön Krompecher portrait commissioned by the Institute of Pathology
The art collection of the Xu Beihong Art Committee, Beijing, China.
The art collection of the Hungarian National Museum, Budapest/ the Gabor Bethlen Memorial House, Marosillye, Romania.
The art collection of the Semmelweis University, II.nd Institute of Pathology and Experimental Cancer Research Center, Budapest, Hungary.
The Tekirdag Local Government's art collection, Tekirdag, Turkey.
The Eötvös Loránd University's art collection.
The Hungarian University of Fine Arts' art collection.
Ari Santeri Kupsus art collection.
Private collections worldwide.